Prof. Dr. Tuba Esatbeyoglu

TitleProf. Dr. rer. nat. habil.
First nameTuba
Current positionSince 2023 Full Professor (W3) for Molecular Food Chemistry and Food Development
Current institution(s)/site(s), countryLeibniz university Hannover

Qualifications and Career

StagesPeriods and Details
Degree programmeFood Chemistry, 10/2000-05/2006, Technical University Braunschweig, Germany
Doctorate16.12.2010, Prof. Peter Winterhalter, Subject of the Thesis: “Analysis of valuable ingredients of Aronia melanocarpa and characterization and isolation of proanthocyanidins” (grade: summa cum laude) Technical University Braunschweig, Germany
Stages of academic/professional career  Since 2023     Professor (W3) for Molecular Food Chemistry and Food Development, Head of Institute of Food science and Human Nutrition 2019-2023      Professor (W2) for Food Development and Food Quality, Head of Institute of Food science and Human Nutrition 2022    Visiting professor at The University of Queensland, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, Brisbane/Australia 2016 – 2018    Research Associate, Max Rubner-Institute (Karlsruhe), Department of Safety and Quality of Fruit and Vegetables 2017    Habilitation in Food Science, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel
Title: “Analysis, radical scavenging properties and gene regulatory activities of colorants and phytochemicals from roots“ 2018    Lecturer for Food Chemistry, Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg, Institute of Pharmacy and Food Chemistry 2015    Wageningen UR (University & Research centre) at the Institute of Food and Safety (RIKILT) in the field of Analytical Chemistry, Netherlands
in cooperation with the Institute of Agricultural Sciences at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zürich) 2010 – 2016    Postdoctoral Fellow, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Institute of Human Nutrition and Food Science

Activities in the Research System

-Reviewer for Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, DAAD, DFG, DLR

-Guest Editor for „Molecules“, „Frontiers in Nutrition“ etc. and Member in Editorial boards i.e. Future Postharvest and Food and Beverage Plant Research

-Reviewer for the over 30 journals e.g. Antioxidants, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Foods, Food Chemistry, Food and Function, Food Research International, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, LWT -Food Science and Technology, Molecules, Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, Trends in Food Science & Technology; -Support Postdocs to get own funding (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG “own position”)

-Editorial member of the first online database “Phytohub” for food ingredients ( (since 3/2018)

-Invitation to 13th Brazilian-German Symposium “Frontiers of Science and Technology” (BRAGFOST) from the Alexander from Humboldt Foundation, topic of the symposium: Climate change and the challenges for sustainable development

-Creation of a learning platform for student teachers together with the Institute for Didactics of Food Science: “Works 4.0” (Link://

-Representation of the university lecturers of the Faculty of Natural Sciences in the Council of the Graduate Academy as well as member of the Board of Directors

-Substitute member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Natural Sciences (2021-2023)

-Deputy member of the group of university lecturers in the Study Quality Commission of Leibniz Universität Hannover (LUH)

-Deputy Chairperson of the Examination Committee for the BSc and MSc in Food Science and Teacher Training at Vocational Schools

-Member of the Study Commission for the BSc and MSc in Food Sciences and Teacher Training at Vocational Schools and the MSc in Food Research and Development/Food Science (MSc Food)

-Member of the Admissions Committee for the MSc Food

-Custodian of the Higher Education Pact funds for study programmes in food sciences

-Chairperson of the Examination Committee for the MSc Food

-Member of the Admissions Committee for the Master’s programme in Food Science Teaching at Vocational Schools at LUH

-Organisation and host of the GDCh Regional Association Meeting North and Northeast 2023

-Presenting the research activities at Phaeno in Wolfsburg (October 2022)

-Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Research Circle of the Food Industry (FEI) for the term of office 2023-2025:

Funding of 2 scholarships for Master Food Research and Development students within the framework of the Deutschlandstipendium (together with Dieter Fuchs Stiftung)

Supervision of Researchers in Early Career Phases

Dr. Tina Kostka (07/2019-06/2022): Eigene Stelle DFG (KO 6584/1-1); since 01/2024 got Emmy-Noether from the DFG and working at the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany

1x Habilitant

8x PhD students at the moment

About 4x Bachelor students each semester

About 8x Master students each semester

Academic Distinctions

-Host Prof. Dr. Esra Capanoglu Guven from Turkey (Georg Forster-Forschungspreis der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung – AvH for Food Chemistry) (August 2023 until July 2024)

-Support student teams to develop new food and participate in Trophelia 2022 und 2023 (second place in 2022 and innovation award in 2023) and finalist in 2024; first place in 2024 at Drink Innovation Challenge with a juice called WHOLEMONADE

-Member of the DIN Standards Committee for Food and Agricultural Products (NAL) NA 057-01-11 AA “Tea” (since 5/2021)

-Member of the International Tea Culture Research and Exchange Center (China) (since 5/2020)

-“Rochow Family Trust” scholarship from the Faculty of Life Sciences at the Carolo-Wilhelmina University of Technology in Braunschweig as an award for the outstanding doctoral thesis

-Sponsorship Award of the German Society for Quality of Plant-Based Food (DGQ) for young scientists

-Award of the Association for the Promotion of Food Chemistry in Braunschweig e.V. for outstanding academic achievements in the subject of food chemistry (Best 1st state examination in 2005)