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News For ASTANA 2026
Kazakhstan Agrotechnical Univercity Vice Rector SERGALIEV YERZHAN OMIRKHANOVICH and Cukurova University Vice Rector NESLIHAN BOYAN attended our billeteral agreement meting, and we discussed whole issues on Conference in Astana.
We thanks to Prof. Dr. Rashit Uskenov, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhayyon Saidova, Prof. Dr. Ali Musa BOZDOGAN, Prof. Dr. Nigar Y. BOZDOGAN and Prof. Dr. Madina Boleviyera.

I-CRAFT 2025 will be held in BAKU/AZERBAIJAN
We will organize this conference with the organization of Mr. Faig Allahverdi Khudayev , Ph.D. in Agriculture Science, Associate Professor / Director

I-CRAFT 2026 wil be held in ASTANA/KAZAKHSTAN
Cooparation with https://kazatu.edu.kz/en

Uzbek Time
To comfort your duration in Tashkent on behalf of the conference, we discussed some issues with head of AKIS and Prof. Dr. Sıddıqov Ravshanbek.