Prof. Dr. Susanne Neugart

Prof. Neugart studied nutritional sciences at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena. Since her diploma thesis, she has been working on flavonoids. As a doctoral student, she worked in a DFG project to identify and quantify the complex flavonoid glycosides in curly kale and to study the structure-specific response to temperature and radiation. She gained her doctoral degree from the TU Berlin in July 2012 with honors. She got the most promising award of the German Society for Quality Research on Plant Food for her PhD thesis. 2013-2019 she was junior research group leader at the Leibniz Institute for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops in Grossbeeren. In recent years, she became an expert in the field of flavonoids, their identification by HPLC-MS techniques and their structure-specific response to genetic, abiotic and biotic factors. This led to a DFG funded research fellowship in the laboratory of Prof. Paul Barnes, Department of Biological Sciences, Loyola University, New Orleans, USA. It focused on the diverse functions of flavonoids in plants (e.g. UV sunscreens or antioxidants). Since April 2019, Prof. Neugart is head of the Division of Quality and Sensory of Plant Products at the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.